Wowsers, the eve of the third round of Michelle Bridges 12WBT is upon me (and everyone else joining the ride)! In twelve weeks time, my body shall have undergone a transformation, and I'm hoping for a massive one :) To all those fellow 12WBTers out there, and I know there are heaps, you would understand my excitement and nervousness. I've just finished up the final preseason tasks- deciding to do my workouts at my gym, did my fitness test, took my measurements and posed for my glorious before shot. That was an eye opener, looking in the mirror seemed completely different to what I saw on that camera screen.

I was pleased to get the nutrition & training plans on Thursday, that helped seal the deal for my workouts- rather than paying even more money for group fitness classes that I may or may not go to, I figured I have a perfectly good Jett's across the road, a membership already, and the workouts looked pretty good, it also allowed me to get them knocked over first thing, rather than fitting them in around a group fitness timetable. After bragging about starting the C25k program last week, that fell by the wayside, I got busy (excuses, excuses) and didn't do any more than those first 2 days. I may try and incorporate those 30 minutes into my cardio days though. My fabulous new sneakers arrived and got tested for my 1km time trial, totally made all the difference I'm sure ;)
No more excuses from me. |
The meals look pretty good, I set about working around what I didn't want to eat, and fitting in Father's Day, to adjust slightly, and then picking through and adding in my snacks. I've tended to make these fruit and yoghurt, mainly so I get enough calcium, and my 2 fruits a day. Hubby has decided to join me in most lunches, and all dinners, so that is great to have the support. I did my big cook up and preparation for the week yesterday, after doing all my grocery shopping.
I'm ready now. I have lists and charts to follow. I like being organised and I am, and I like to follow a routine. Being able to tick things off will be satisfying. I picked up a few goodies at Kikki K yesterday, a nice shopping list, and meal planner for the fridge, and also a daily checklist. Now I have no more excuses. And I'm going to try and apply that attitude to my PhD too. I'm going to put it out there- I am going to finish my PhD in the next 6 months. I don't have to worry about what I'm going to eat, or how I'm going to exercise, I'm going to take an hour each morning for myself, and time on the weekend to get the meals prepped so I can concentrate on the other evil in my life.
Bring it all on I say.
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